Tropic Leisure Club At Magens Point Resort St. Thomas i Magens Point

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6200 Magens Bay Rd, Magens Point, St Thomas 00802, USVI
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-777-6000
Latitude: 18.3586191, Longitude: -64.9149808
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Kommentar 5

  • Cynthia Callwood

    Cynthia Callwood


  • Dustin Norlund

    Dustin Norlund


    Great place. Just needs a few updates.

  • Nate's Custom Charter

    Nate's Custom Charter


  • Shaun Udics

    Shaun Udics


    This beach was amazing. Clean, fun and beautiful.

  • Omi T

    Omi T


    This review is on the actual beach: Charlotte Amalie was one of our ports for a cruise and we did a tour with Sunny Liston that stopped of at this beach.It was crowded that day because there was a total of 4 cruise ships in port BUT the crowd never took away from the beauty of the beach and our overall experience. We were able to get great pictures above the beach at "Mountain Top" and the actual beach itself on arrival. The waters were clear but a bit cold for me to swim in. My travel companion loved the waters and swam in it for an hour. There were not any fish when we were there so we put away the snorkeling gear and just enjoyed the scenery while we lounged in our rented $5 beach chairs. There were waitresses walking the beach for drink orders if you wanted one but we just ordered affordable pizza slices which we thought was the best we have had in the Caribbean. There is a long wooded building with a bar at one end, a gift/rental shop on the other end and the food ordering place in the middle. Don't miss out on this beach if you come to St. Thomas. Wish we had more time to explore the other beaches but we were very satisfied with Megan's Bay.

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