Beuchert's Beer Garden i Charlotte Amalie

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Kongens Gade, 00801, Charlotte Amalie, Charlotte Amalie, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1-340
Latitude: 18.3415681, Longitude: -64.9332929
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Kommentar 5

  • petrhav



    Best place ever! Great atmosphere and prices! I love the owner: Nala ❤️. Food is scrumptious. Highly recommend to anyone in town.

  • Paula Beuchert

    Paula Beuchert


    Great place to stop to have a relaxing moment with the best drinks on the island. The conch fritters and shark bites are a must have.

  • Elizabeth Boozer-Pitts

    Elizabeth Boozer-Pitts


    My husband and I stumbled upon this cozy, unique beer garden while visiting in St. Thomas. Besides being absolutely gorgeous with lush greenery, plants, and flowers, we met Nala and his wife, the owners. We had the best time talking, learning the history of the island, drinking beer (all of Nala's recommendations were tasty and flavorful), and we even got to see a bird show while we were there. When you visit Beauchert's, you have to try the Bushwhacker. It is literally the best mixed drink I have ever tasted. This place is a must-visit when you come to St. Thomas! It is affordable and the drinks are the best in St. Thomas. We will be back.

  • Martin



    Nice beergarden in a bussy street. Friendly staff, good selection of beer.

  • Gavin



    Great selection of beer. Great service. Burgers cooked on the grill right next to you. Feels like a family barbecue.

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