Cafe Roma i St John

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🕗 Åbningstider

Cruz Bay, 00831, St John, Cruz Bay, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-6524
Latitude: 18.3311335, Longitude: -64.7941378
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Kommentar 5

  • John Kerbaugh

    John Kerbaugh


    We just loved our dinner here.

  • Jeanine Kuehl

    Jeanine Kuehl


    Love their home-made fresh pizzas. We get ours once a week. Call in advance and grab and go, delicious dinner and leftovers make the best breakfast! Want a romactive authentic Italian meal and a great variety of wine? A Must try!

  • Elaine Wells

    Elaine Wells


    WOULD NOT RECOMMEND. Caesar salad with blackened chicken - WILTY romaine, no shaved Parmesan cheese and no blackened spice on chicken. Alfredo with blackened chicken - tasteless sauce with no blackened spice on chicken. Dinners were to come with bread - garlic knots ... they were out of the garlic knots and croutons for Caesar. How hard would it have been to serve Italian bread and butter with the dinner? Imagine an Italian dinner without bread . I asked the waitress if the chef was new... she said no. Sure did not taste like a seasoned/quality chef made our dishes.

  • Neil Upham

    Neil Upham


    As always, great food, great service (Stephanie) and a great overall experience. Go in right now, you'll be glad you did.

  • Athena Areola

    Athena Areola


    Great food. Great atmosphere. Cozy little air conditioned restaurant away from the bustle of the city.

Nærmeste Bar:

Joe's Rum Hut

Wharfside Village, Cruz Bay, VI, 00831
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