Childrens Dental Care Inc i St Thomas

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9003 Havensight Mall, Bldg #3, Suite 307, St Thomas, VI 00802, Jungferninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-774-0263
Latitude: 18.33138, Longitude: -64.920829
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Kommentar 5

  • Laura Strickling

    Laura Strickling


    Everyone in the practice is so kind and professional! I was very nervous about how my 2 year old would handle her first dental exam, but they were calm and patient, and made her feel secure. She didn’t object and we left with (clean) smiles.

  • Melina Paiewonsky

    Melina Paiewonsky


    Amazing dentist! She truly cares for each child and ensures they have a positive experience!

  • Judy-ann J Frederick

    Judy-ann J Frederick


    Dr. Griffin is just awesome with kids!!! Extremely patient and personable!!! My son loves her!

  • oni meyers

    oni meyers


    My kids love going to the dentist because their dentist is such a beautiful person. She's cool 😎, understanding, and great at what she does. Staff is always warm and welcoming. They appreciate you and that feels great👍.

  • Chris Carty

    Chris Carty


    I will be forever grateful to Dr Griffith and her staff for their professionalism. Dr. Griffith has an amazing report with kids, that make them completely comfortable. Thanks to her manner and her courteous staff my kids actually look forward to their dental visits.

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