Diamonds International i St. Thomas

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5184 Dronningens Gade, AH RIISE Mall, St. Thomas, VI 00802, USVI
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-5570
Latitude: 18.341665, Longitude: -64.931713
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Kommentar 5

  • nickardo morgan

    nickardo morgan


    Great service and large selection.

  • Jenny Ledee

    Jenny Ledee


    If your shopping for diamonds you must stop by and see Ash in diamonds international the downtown location. Very knowledgeable, no pressure, great fashion sense, and he also shows you the biggest and best price in your price range. Make sure you ask about their special diamond the crown of light.... absolutely stunning.

  • Monique Aubin

    Monique Aubin


    Beautiful store ! Wide variety of jewelry brands and timepieces. So many sparkling diamonds 💎💎💎💎 😍😍😍😍

  • V. Bugg

    V. Bugg


    Nic Morgan is a very knowledgeable manager about not just jewelry but watches as well. If you're looking for a nice diamond or watch he is a good guy to talk to & will point you in the right direction for whatever you're looking for. His staff is also very good at what they do. Highly recommended.

  • Dan Deciel

    Dan Deciel


    Welcome to A.H. Riise's own Diamonds International store located on downtown's Main Street! Here is just one of the many Crown of Light necklaces out of many jewelry pieces within just the infamous Crown of Light, not to mention the other various types of jewelry and jewelry brands found in this enchanting diamonds' store. Whether it's something for the holidays or any time of the year for yourself or that special someone in your life nothing in this store hides away the level of affection you wish to share to said person or anyone else who desire to show these pieces to. Thank you for an awesome experience Diamonds International!

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