Diamonds International Watch and Design i Charlotte Amalie

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1A Dronningens Gade, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00802, USVI
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-774-2184
Latitude: 18.3419599, Longitude: -64.9313027
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Kommentar 5

  • Monique Aubin

    Monique Aubin


    Ask for Joseph he will be sure to give you an unforgettable introduction to the world of luxury connaisseur timepieces.

  • JC Sauceda

    JC Sauceda


    I spended just a few hours in Diamonds International today in St Thomas amazing staff and costumer service was excellent!!! Great people to work with definitely will be back.

  • Amalia Nataf

    Amalia Nataf


    Great selection! Ask for Jonathan he will take great care of you 😁

  • Chris Gardner

    Chris Gardner


    Great selection of Swiss watches. Excellent prices, super friendly sales staff.

  • Holly Fletcher

    Holly Fletcher


    An awesome shop to visit!!! Not only is the staff super knowledgable in the Watch & Design store, they are also very friendly and willing to help. Even if they don't have a particular watch or piece of jewelry on hand... They will move heaven and earth to find it for you! Lets get real, these days you can find anything you want online if you are shopping straight off of price. Some of us still crave holding something in their hands before they buy and even a little human interaction in the buying experience. Customer service is a big deal these days and you can tell everyone in this store takes pride in their store. They will go the extra mile and make you feel like family. Its definitely worth a visit!

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