E's Garden Teahouse i Charlotte Amalie

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Commandant Gade, 00801, Charlotte Amalie, Charlotte Amalie, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-2577
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: 18.3426273, Longitude: -64.931255
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Kommentar 5

  • Robert Knox

    Robert Knox


    We were there for a Rotary club meeting. Food was nice. Wonderful people.

  • John Kelso

    John Kelso


    FREE WIFI. E's Tea and Things is an interesting, authentic, out of the way sort of place. It offers dozens of varieties of locally made teas, with their particular health benefits listed on the jars that hold the teas. There are also cakes and tea making supplies. The place is also an art gallery and a clothing store. E herself was a bit standoffish when we first met her, but we got to chatting and she opened up and gave us some insights into the local culture and history. WiFi is fast and free, you just have to ask E for the password. If you want something that feels more authentically St. Thomas than all the bars owned by American expats, this is the place.

  • Sailing Totem

    Sailing Totem


    A cool respite to have a delicious pot of tea, see some local art, and have a great conversation! E's Garden Teahouse is truly an oasis from the impersonal glitz of tourist outlets closer to the waterfront, and I can't wait to go back.

  • Mae Greentree

    Mae Greentree


    Larger than it look from the outside. Relaxing atmosphere with good food and an excellent selection of teas. It's very convenient to all the shops on Main Street, and a nice oasis of shade and cool where you can sip the iced tea of the day. There is free Wi-fi here (ask for the password), and the friendly customer service makes you feel comfortable if you want to sit and unwind for a while. They also sell a small selection of clothing, and have local art on the wall (for sale or admiration).

  • Kim Schodlatz

    Kim Schodlatz


    Nice relief from the hustle and bustle of Jewelry Street. Tea in real china; cool, quiet. Local artists on display. Pound cake, almost as good as your grandma's. Wifi. Pleasant surprise for us.

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