Giant Market (Gas Station & Deli) i St. Thomas

Åben kort
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Rumer Drive, 00802, Southside, St. Thomas, VI Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-714-1694
Latitude: 18.335889, Longitude: -64.918179
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Kommentar 5

  • Ray J. Barry

    Ray J. Barry


    Great location with a friendly staff. Excellent location to pick needed items without having to go to the larger supermarket.

  • Shaiah David

    Shaiah David


    Great service and food.... They have a fresh salad bar every day

  • Luis Rodriguez

    Luis Rodriguez


    Es sensacional

  • Kim Hansen

    Kim Hansen


    Lige så billig som et supermarked. Har det meste, men orden er en by i Rusland.

  • Lynette Williams

    Lynette Williams


    This gas station has a surprising decent prepared food section with mix of American, local, and Middle Eastern hot and cold take out. The selection varies, but I like their egg and cheese sandwiches on their somewhat crusty rolls. $5, I think now that eggs are priced like steak. They sometimes have fried chicken wings @5/3.50. Hummus, tabouleh, pita chips, and other salads and sandwiches are constants, though their prices seem higher. They've had good avocados when other stores were sold out, and they've had good buys on some wines and liquors from time to time. Very convenient when you're hungry early or late.

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