Imperial Animal Hospital i St Thomas

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3901-A Contant, St Thomas, VI 00802, USVI
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-774-7034
Latitude: 18.339699, Longitude: -64.9473652
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Kommentar 5

  • Emily Mead

    Emily Mead


    Dr. Boden, Bridget, and the rest of the team at Imperial Animal Hospital have consistently found quick, accurate, and economic solutions to any issue my fur-baby has encountered. I can tell they genuinely care for the well being of Pork Chop, and am always more than satisfied with their outstanding service.

  • Matthew Bone

    Matthew Bone


    Always amazing. For them to put up with my 5 kids is amazing. Lol.

  • Terri Brown

    Terri Brown


    Dr. Boden and his staff love animals and take the very best care of them.

  • Donna Gordon

    Donna Gordon


    Dr. Bodin is a wonderful and compassionate vet. He truly cares about our dogs, takes time to explain what’s going on and our options, and is completely up to date on the latest issues and therapies, even those specific to our breed. The staff is friendly, professional and helpful. If there were 10 stars I’d give Imperial all of them.

  • Pat Gilmore

    Pat Gilmore


    I would recommend imperial animal hospital to everyone the staff is extremely helpfully and friendly and Dr Boden is very knowledgeable extremely helpful and friendly and you can ask him anything and he does not think it is a stupid question even though after you thought about it it was he explains things in ways that you can understand not like some vets who talk to you like your dumb or they just make you feel that way he always has a smile on his face and makes you feel comfortable he treats your animal like it is his own and will always give you the best advice will tell you all your choices up front and help you make the best decision for your pet he always calls you back when you need help even if it is on the weekend I have had many vets in the last 35 years and he is the best vet I have been to hands down I like to thank him and his staff for making me and my two dogs feel welcome and I know they are getting the best care when we go there

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