Lucky Jewelers Inc i St. Thomas

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5186 Dronningens Gade, 00802, St. Thomas, Charlotte Amalie, US
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-2049
Latitude: 18.3419716, Longitude: -64.9315073
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Kommentar 5

  • Barry Lewis

    Barry Lewis


    Pasha has trouble delivery on his word. He may not pay you back, promptly, or at all? Friend had him sell a piece, he sold, and friend is still waiting on payment. Beware! Love, fort wayne indiana

  • Donna Dunbar

    Donna Dunbar


    We have purchased several pieces of stunning jewelry from Pash. He always treats us like we are special! We never doubt we have received the very best deal. Can’t wait to go back.

  • kerrie parcak

    kerrie parcak


    Place is awesome!! Great service and Quality pieces at great prices ! Staff was awesome and very helpful

  • Karl Doerner

    Karl Doerner


    We purchase a 5.4 carrot diamond and had it mounted in my current wedding ring which only had a 1.3 diamond. It is amazing!!! It was 18 months ago and I still can't stop looking at it. We love Pash and all his employees, they were Fabulous. We are going back in October 2017 and plan on making Lucky Jewelry our first stop to say hi.

  • Gail Strand

    Gail Strand


    Absolutely the BEST jewelry store in the Caribbean. Pash has treated us well for years. Just got loads of compliments again on my jewelry -- all of it from a Lucky"s! !

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