Reef Bay Rum Factory Ruins i St. John

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Reef Bay Trail, 00830, Central, St. John, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1-340
Latitude: 18.3230046, Longitude: -64.7451821
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Kommentar 5

  • Julianne Lilholt

    Julianne Lilholt


  • Eric Love

    Eric Love


    It's worth the hike. Beautiful beach and zero development around there. The water around there is a protected park so no boats can enter the area.

  • Kathryn Sanborn

    Kathryn Sanborn


  • Michael Stolorena

    Michael Stolorena


    Very cool place!

  • Tyler Holt

    Tyler Holt


    It was a nice hike with the breeze blowing throw the trees. It's about a 4 mile round trip hike with noticeable change in elevation at the beginning/end of the hike. They say it's about 900ft in elevation change. We hiked down in about 1.5 hours. Up took more time with our side trip to the petroglyphs. Little over 2. The trail is mainly covered with rocks and tree roots. It's easy to stubb your toe or plant your foot on a jagged rock. I wore my 5 fingers and my feet were a little sore. We went through 132oz of water between 2 people. We took the side trail to the petroglyphs. It was a nice hike along some old stone walls. You eventually get to 2 pools of water. Bring extra water to pour on them to see them better. The sign can be easy to miss. It's on your right when you're hiking down. It's around a dry river bed crossing. At the end, it was nice to see the old building with the huge metal bowls and the remnant of a 1846 steam engine. There were crabs in their sea shells, deer, a lot of salamanders, birds, mongoose. It was sad to see the trash. I almost filled up my 55 liter pack. PACK IT IN, PACK IT OUT. The bus leaves from the St. John ferry port. You can also jump on the Cinnamon Bay trail and go to the beach. We got back out on the main road and didn't see a bus. We ended up hitchhiking with a cool dude back to town.

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