Senor Frog's i St. Thomas

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9015, West Indian Company Dock, 00802, Southside, St. Thomas, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-777-3764
Latitude: 18.3313056, Longitude: -64.9240181
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Kommentar 5

  • U.S. Virgin Islands Tour Guide

    U.S. Virgin Islands Tour Guide


    Senor Frog’s - TEMPORARILY CLOSED due to damage from Hurricane Irma and Maria.

  • Cory M

    Cory M


    A pretty standard experience as far as Senor frogs goes. Cold booze and hot food. Fun atmosphere, but mostly a tourist trap.

  • Kaylee Opfar

    Kaylee Opfar


    fun but pricey

  • James Floyd

    James Floyd


    Was seated by a thinner, angrier Rosie O'Donnell in a black smith's leather apron and a black leather trucker's hat. Waited 15 minutes for drinks/ chips and salsa while "dude" tried to court herself a tween girl up on the bar to join in their Village People's version of the twerk. Ran out of the joint. Bizarre and frightening experience. But worth loads of laughs later on the cruise.

  • Dana Colston Jr.

    Dana Colston Jr.


    Man this place is a lot of fun. I had a blast here. From the music to the drinks to the people, it was party central. There's a pool outside you can use if you're a restaurant/bar patron. Right by the cruise dock too if that's how you arrived to town. Definitely check it out if you're nearby.

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