Skinny Legs i St. John

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9901, Estate Emmaus, 00830, St. John, Coral Bay, US
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-779-4982
Latitude: 18.34741, Longitude: -64.7111088
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Kommentar 5

  • nicholas barcome

    nicholas barcome


    In May 2018 this area of St John is still pretty damaged but the staff was grateful and attentive. I ate the Mahi sandwich and it was excellent, we also had the salted brownie which was good too, drink prices were cheap and it also has a nice souvenir shop. I would definitely recommend going here and to Coral bay in general.

  • Elaine Hannah

    Elaine Hannah


    Great local bar and restaurant. Nice gift shop! Burgers are great and banana daiquiris!

  • Michael Kohon

    Michael Kohon


    It's a solid place with decent drinks and food but kinda high prices. However, it's worth a visit. Just be nice to the chickens!

  • Diana Seal

    Diana Seal


    Love this place! Staff, food and drinks a 10+ Neat watching the hens and chicks, cats, dogs walk through the restaurant!

  • Tom Walters

    Tom Walters


    Wish they would expand hours post hurricane and start taking credit cards again. That being said other than running out of food items almost every time I go lately, the service is great and the food predictable. Will always love Skinny's!

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