All Occasions Flowershop i Charlotte Amalie

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1001 Barbel Plaza St Thomas VI VI, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00802, USVI
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-715-5367
Latitude: 18.3406995, Longitude: -64.9208465
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Kommentar 3

  • Theyonee Hector

    Theyonee Hector


  • Bridgette Gumbs

    Bridgette Gumbs


    Flowers ah beautiful Gorgeous arrangements friendly staff

  • NinoBambino



    If I could give this establishment a -1 on this review I would. I called WEEKS before Valentine’s Day to confirm that online request are actually down in the books (because I know how backwards things could be on stt). So off course I go through the whole online process and everything seemed pretty legit I even got a confirmation email! THEN comes Valentine’s Day!!! It’s like 5 pm and I realize my person hasn’t received their flowers.  Call the company the owner/manager tells me she forgot and she could deliver the flowers the NEXT day because she is tired. I asked for a refund that evening she tells me to call back because she is too tired to process the refund. I guess she wasn’t too tired to when she snatched my money. The next morning I call to follow up on the request, and she hangs up on me mid-sentence. OKAY COOL. That will be the last time I ever order anything from ALL OCCASSIONS FLOWER SHOP. Spend your coins elsewhere.

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