Ballerina Jewelers i St. Thomas

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5176 Dronningens Gade Ste. 2, St. Thomas, VI 00802, Wyspy Dziewicze
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-777-1118
Latitude: 18.3419026, Longitude: -64.9321755
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Kommentar 5

  • Eva Benabe

    Eva Benabe


    Went on a cruise in 2008 and visited Ballerina Jewelers Shop. Today is Oct. 6, 2017 and still have my yellow satin bag were they put my purchase. Reminds me of my trip every time I take my credit, debit and ID cards from it. Always in my purse. It was a magical time and you guys where part of it. Thanks for reminding me everyday! Good luck!!

  • Karim Allibhai

    Karim Allibhai


    Fantastic experience shopping here with Nita, Girish, Rushmi and Peter. Great prices and selection, awesome service. Would definitely recommend and come back again!

  • Nicki Derrick

    Nicki Derrick


    Worst experience at a Jewelry store ever. We were literally forced in store by the older lady who looked so nice and friendly at the door, then she opened her mouth, she relentlessly forced us to go inside even after i said we were not interested twice... she made it clear it was her job to get people to go into the store and she wanted us to go in store even pointing to the camera above her saying the owners will want to know why "this couple" didn't come in. It was excessively pushy tactics to the point where we just walked in to make her leave us alone. The free gift box she raved about and was the whole pitch to get us to go in was so tacky i didn't even touch it - I don't need a reminder of my experience here. Business must be slow when no ships are in hey! But the sales tactics aren't cool guys - just back off the tourists a bit!

  • Chris Altland

    Chris Altland


    My wife and I went to Ballerina with her parents on May 17 2017. My wife and I had been there before. We always talk with Andy. After email Andy months in advance about what my wife was looking for, he has everything waiting when we arrived. My wife got an upgraded wedding ring. Her mother got two pairs of earnings and a diamond bracelet. We cause the diamond need to be set. We were taken to lunch at greengos cantina just down the street. Great food and Drink's. After lunch we went back to pickup my wife's ring. While waiting, I found a great looking Watch. So I purchased that too. Andy is a great person to deal with.

  • Susan Watt

    Susan Watt


    While on vacation we met a wonderful couple who've been coming to St. Thomas & staying Bolongo Bay Beach Resort for 20+ years. While talking with Pam & Mike we mentioned going to town & they insisted if we wanted jewelry we must go to Ballerina as they'd been going there for years & wouldn't go anywhere else. So glad we listened to them. Not only did my husband find a awesome watch & we both upgraded our wedding rings, him with one that actually fits properly & me with a beautiful double diamond set(diamonds in both engagement & band) my sweet husband also, got me a beautiful Opal pendant & chain. Because it was my Birthday & we had to wait for about an hour or so for them to size the rings instead of just sitting there, they had a staff member (who just moved to St.Thomas & was surprisingly not just from our own Hometown but from our neighborhood in Chicago) escort us down the street to a lovely restaurant so we could have a bite to eat & a drink while we waited. These wonderful people at Ballerina were so pleasant & took thier time to get us just the right styles for our rings & everything. They even paid for our lunch as a birthday present. I don't think we can express how happy we are with our purchase & the staff. THANK YOU JAMES!! & even Mr.Vinny, NY (long time cruiseboat customer) who told me to "let your husband get you what HE wants." (& why I should) I was shaking when I put my rings on cuz the rings my husband picked were SO much more then I expected! Found out when we took our taxi back to the resort that most of the residents get thier jewelry at Ballerina & on an island with SO many jewlers that's an endorsement to me. We'll definitely be going to see them when we return on our next trip. Maybe I'll go for the earrings ;-) lol.

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