Bolongo Bay Beach Resort i St. Thomas

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7150, Bolongo, 00802, Southside, St. Thomas, VI Jungferninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-775-1800
Latitude: 18.3132743, Longitude: -64.8956431
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Kommentar 5

  • Eldon LaDouceur

    Eldon LaDouceur


    Great for breakfast. 4 of us had pretty dang good breaks for about 40 bucks

  • Brian Bacot

    Brian Bacot


    Very nice casual low key location. Snorkeling tours located on location The restaurant has great burgers and wings.

  • Zachary Walsh

    Zachary Walsh


    It was an amazing view and amazing service

  • Turner Pendergrass

    Turner Pendergrass


    My visit was before the hurricanes, but this place was friendly, accommodating, reasonably priced, and had good food and drink options. All inclusive was definitely worth the price up front, and it was just a generally good experience all around. If I'm back in the USVI then I will stay here again.

  • Michael Harper

    Michael Harper


    Bolongo "Iggies" is like most places on island recovering after the storms. The pool is very nice and the food was darn tasty. The staff was nice fun and friendly. Even told me how to properly make a painkiller. Stop by and get one and take in the view pool and beach!

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