Buccaneer Mall i St. Thomas

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Havensight, St Thomas 00802, Jungferninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-693-9464
Latitude: 18.3331049, Longitude: -64.9187425
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Kommentar 5

  • Brian Bacot

    Brian Bacot


    Acceptable food , beautiful salon/ barbershop, attorney, subway, Asian food

  • AnnaMarie Farone

    AnnaMarie Farone


    It is what it is, a touristy shopping space close to a cruise dock haha. You'll find little kitchy things and overpriced food, as well as some little jewelry or souvenirs. Don't focus on trying to go to Hooters just so you can say you went to Hooters; go take your selfie then go to one of the great places like Ben Iguanas or something 🙂

  • Bridgette Gumbs

    Bridgette Gumbs


    Nice place where u can shop has lots of varities from each different stores

  • Steve Hoxworth

    Steve Hoxworth


    Not the best prices but convenient to the cruise ship dock. On the up side, China King and Hooters are good.

  • Nick Kukis

    Nick Kukis


    This is the worst hooters I have ever been too. Food took over and hour and the place was dead. Our waitress had better things to do , like talking to other wait staff instead of taking care of paying customers. We would have been better off walking over to Mc Donald s because the food suck !!! So pissed off. If I could leave a -10 I would.

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