Budget Super Service Center i Charlotte Amalie

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8269 Subbase, Charlotte Amalie, VI 00802, Wyspy Dziewicze
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-1222
Hjemmeside: budgetsuperservice.com
Latitude: 18.3349355, Longitude: -64.9593811
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Kommentar 4

  • smith wiltshire

    smith wiltshire


    Needs improvement

  • Lucia Francis

    Lucia Francis


  • Mike Brennan

    Mike Brennan


    I think they're closed for business? For the life of me, I couldn't find them Don't trust their websites Google map or address - they're not there!

  • Jeff Fitch

    Jeff Fitch


    Our very new vehicle sustained damage from a minor car accident in January and we were told it would take 5 days to repair. It has taken 6 months and the vehicle is still not fully repaired. During this time, we have been repeatedly lied to, as has our insurance company. The first time we were called to pick up the vehicle, it was obvious the hood was not replaced or repaired, as it would not latch shut. When we asked about it, we were told it was an oversight and that the hood would be replaced. This was a very significant oversight, as the entirety of the damage was to the front passenger side of the vehicle, including the hood. Several weeks later, we received a call that the vehicle was ready. When we arrived, the hood was obviously still not replaced; it had the original manufacturer's sticker on the inside of the hood, so it was easy to prove the hood was not replaced. Several workers, including the head of the body shop, had the audacity to lie to our faces about replacing the hood. It could not have been more obvious that the hood was not replaced. After several calls with our insurance company, the shop finally admitted that the hood was not replaced. Additionally, the shop broke the new headlight it had ordered when it was installing it and tried to repair it with glue instead of ordering another new headlight and doing the job right. When asked to repair it correctly, the shop ordered the part and called us 6 weeks later to schedule an appointment to bring it in. When our insurance company called them to ask about the delay, the shop lied and told the insurance company that they had repeatedly called us about it. Please avoid this place and save yourself the headache of a 6 month wait, having your vehicle shoddily repaired, and being repeatedly lied to as though you are a gulliable fool. We were forced to purchase another vehicle during this time, as we could no longer go without our car. I have never in my life received such poor service and I would not trust this place to do the right thing.

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