Caneel Bay Resort i St. John

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North Shore Road, 00830, Central, St. John, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-6111
Latitude: 18.343544, Longitude: -64.785349
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Kommentar 5

  • Greg Humphreys

    Greg Humphreys


  • Camila Medici

    Camila Medici


    We love the property and wild life, but are deeply disturbed by the sour, non-accommodating, unfriendly staff. We are luxury travelers and booked their best room, Cottage 7E, to celebrate our anniversary. We kept interactions with staff to a minimal because we had been there before and knew how non-hospitable they are. It has been difficult to come back for that reason alone, but the pristine beaches and privacy keeps us coming. This time though we made sure to choose the best room to at the very least get the best treatment. But nope. Other than the welcome champagne bottle they did nothing else a luxury stay requires. They even misspelled our name (which is well-known, and completely ignored my name or presence unlike any other guests's envelope) and made no effort to get to know us. The umbrella on our deck flew off with the wind and was never replaced. There was a leak in our room that made the floor dangerously wet daily right by the entrance door, they never addressed. They did not come for turndown service on our last night (because by then they just want you gone), and then refused to accommodate us just for a few extra minutes of late checkout so we would have time to enjoy our last day as much as possible. They made us take a 12:15PM ferry that was too early for our flight and we were miserable at the airport for 4 hours. I am not sure why so much disdain and dismissive mess when you are paying over $1000 per night for a room.

  • Danette Williams

    Danette Williams


  • Nelson Garcia Mella

    Nelson Garcia Mella


    This place is paradise. It feels as if you are staying on your own private island. 7 private beaches and 3 restaurants out of the which 2 are fine dining, zozo's and the stake house. This place is very expensive so do not go there if you are pinching pennies. I suggest for you to stay ocean front at turtle bay beach if your budget allows it. You will go down a few steps from your room (4 to be exact) and you will be in one of the most private secluded beaches I have ever experienced. On a negative not expect friendly staff at the main restaurant. Even though we experienced the worst service while we have been on vacation ever.......we will surely come back as the place is worth it. You will stay right inside a national park.

  • Holly Nelson

    Holly Nelson


    Rats! Woke up to scratching in our things and it was a large rat! It ran up into the mattress-management seemed put out having to move us. They left our things with the rat and gave us anther room to sleep the rest of the night. We them couldn't stay in that new room but they didn't have another-exhausted we didn't get another room until 3 in the afternoon! Part of a group - so I guess they didn't care. I would NEVER RECOMMEND THIS HOTEL-appalled. I understand things happen but after two days of no one acknowledging ankle thing they offered us half off a other night if we returned after our group event.

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