Cardow Jewelers i St. Thomas

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5195 Dronningens Gade, Suite 1, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00802, Wyspy Dziewicze
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-1140
Latitude: 18.3417431, Longitude: -64.9311616
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Kommentar 5

  • Joe Robertson

    Joe Robertson


    Cardow's has been our family's on island jeweler for over 50 years and they never cease to amaze us with each visit. Upon our most recent and past few visits we have had the pleasure of working with Cynthia, who has made the experience that much more memorable. She always goes above and beyond to make sure we find exactly what we are looking for and with a year in between our last two visits - Cynthia personally greeted us as if we had just walked into the store yesterday. Cardow's selection is, and has always been top notch - with 4 locations on St. Thomas it's evident as to why. We would 100% recommend Cardow Jewelers as they are deeply enriched into the culture of St. Thomas and have been around since 1954.

  • Jessie Mcgee

    Jessie Mcgee


  • cynthia hughes

    cynthia hughes


    I work at that location

  • Cherie Troutlan

    Cherie Troutlan


    I love Cardow's. I come to St Thomas every year, and look forward to shopping in Cardow's. Large jewelry store, lots of jewelry to select from, and great prices. Years ago, I purchased a ruby ring. Weeks after coming home, a stone fell out of the ring. I called Cardow's and sent the ring back to them. They quickly fixed it and returned the ring to me quickly. What a great store. I have also really liked the sales associates. They are friendly, helpful, and just provide the best experience. I can't recommend Cardow's Jewelery enough. They are the best! Cherie

  • Frances Newbold

    Frances Newbold


    I have shopped at this store for over 30 years. I love their classic jewelry. I have never had a problem with any of the things I have purchased from them. They are a Virgin Islands icon.

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