Cinnamon Bay Resort & Campground i St John

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US National Park, 00830, St John, Central, VI Wyspy Dziewicze
Kontakter telefon: +1 669-999-8784
Latitude: 18.353217, Longitude: -64.755227
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Kommentar 5

  • Cort Gariepy

    Cort Gariepy


    What's not to like about this place. It's on arguably the best beach on the island. The sunsets are incredible. I was up and walking the beach at sunrise most mornings and only had to share it with the deer.

  • Todd Bellew

    Todd Bellew


    The beach is awesome as usual but the campground and stores are closed since the hurricane. The facilities were damaged and im not sure if they will be reopening or not. If you are visiting the beach make sure you have your food, snorkel gear or anything that you need for the beach before driving out there. There is no stores in the area.

  • Mary Jean Tedrow

    Mary Jean Tedrow


    First saw Cinnamon Bay in 1969 on a tour of the island. Returned in 1972 with our 3 young children. Returned in 74, 76 & 78 with friends & their 3 kids. Didn't get back until 1990 because we couldn't pull the teenagers out of high school & sport commitments. 1993 we started every every other year again - with or without kids. Finely we started returning every year. I pray that out platform tent will be ready for us in late February. I cry every time I think of the damages these hurricanes have done to our favorite vacation spot.

  • Nick Rossi

    Nick Rossi


    We had a great time here. Mary was great in the morning, we accidentally came a day after we were supposed to, and she still accommodated us. The on the SECOND day, we missed our ferry and they let us book an extra night on the fly. St. John is incredible. We were in a rainstorm our first night in the ecotent, and the sound of the jungle at night was awesome. We were waterfront and super close to the shoreline. Walking the camp in the middle of the night and seeing the crabs scuttle to their holes, frogs bounce into the dark, and the beautiful blue water lit up by the moon was awesome. We would definitely stay here again. Can't say enough! Thanks so much

  • Kristina Breitling

    Kristina Breitling


    Well worth the ferry from St Thomas. This beach has beautiful views of the ocean and other islands. Really looks like something out of a movie. They had a bar and food truck present while we were there that had great food and competitive prices. This was the best place during our whole vacation for snorkeling. It had a rocky area towards the end of the beach which was perfect for seeing fish. The only downside is it can get windy so bring sunglasses to keep the sand out of your eyes.

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