Dial Rent to Own St. Thomas, USVI i Charlotte Amalie East

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9361, Estate Thomas, 00801, Charlotte Amalie East, Charlotte Amalie, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-7368
Hjemmeside: www.dialrto.com
Latitude: 18.3352623, Longitude: -64.9162293
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Kommentar 5

  • amber christian

    amber christian


    A people is so nice to you.

  • Karen Martin

    Karen Martin


    Very friendly staff and they deliver anything you need for your home for a small fee. Great up to date furniture as well as clean.

  • Michael Campbell Selfridge

    Michael Campbell Selfridge


    Great staff, great product. They service what they rent. Plus its not only renting, you can buy any of the products at or below stateside retail prices

  • Sandra Lewis

    Sandra Lewis


    Quality products! Multiple payment options! Repair support during your payment payoff time. Superior customer service! I have been a customer since the time of the first store located at Four Winds. Need I say more?

  • Andrea Vanterpool- Francis

    Andrea Vanterpool- Francis


    Quality items for your home that you can not afford but with small weelky or monthly payments you can get to enjoy them. Sometimes you can put yourself first and treat your self to a state of the art television .

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