Emerald Beach Resort i St Thomas

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8070, Lindberg Bay, 00802, St Thomas, Charlotte Amalie, US
Kontakter telefon: +1 800-233-4936
Hjemmeside: www.emeraldbeach.com
Latitude: 18.3351614, Longitude: -64.9639121
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Kommentar 5

  • Jay Ahlstrom

    Jay Ahlstrom


    This hotel is a dump! AC doesn’t work in most rooms. They moved me four times to get a room with AC. However, the internet doesn’t work in the 4th building. The food is horrible! The restaurant is dirty! I can’t even explain how dirty the floors were. We couldn’t even get the wait staff to smile.... poor people hated their job - mean as hell. They are taking advantage of the fact no hotel are available after the storms. Please don’t give them your money....

  • Bruce MacDonald

    Bruce MacDonald


    Disappointed. Front desk receptionist is not just grouchy, she’s rude. What positives you feel about the place vanish when you’re talked to by staff member with “attitude.” The toilet in the room above leaked into our bathroom. The sheets had yellow stains. While eating breakfast, an unsecured umbrella flew off and landed on us, shattering plates and drinking glasses. Fortunately, no one was hurt. They comped us one of our four breakfasts. Disappointed!

  • Rick Ewart

    Rick Ewart


    The Emerald Beach is a laid back place perfectly located along a gorgeous beach you can really enjoy. Nothing fancy but decent. Have stayed there for about 15 weeks over the last 12 or so years. Despite getting hit by two major hurricanes in September, six months later the place looks good and the temporary roof over the bar is a welcome change. Have had issues over the years of varying degrees, but hey - it's the islands. The staff does what it can to accommodate you and things are better than a few years back. Only recurring complaint is that the air conditioners seem to always be subpar (or be worse). But once you are good, it's usually fine. Not the Ritz but a comfortable place to cool out.

  • Andrew Craig

    Andrew Craig


    They're still working to recover from Maria and Irma. It will be really nice once completed. Please go and stay, they need the support. Staff is very friendly and helpful. Food is fresh and tasty, drinks are awesome. Great view of the beach and water. Hope they will be 4 star next year!

  • Tiffany Dubon

    Tiffany Dubon


    It was a great time! The food could be better but the staff is friendly, the views are amazing and the beach feels like a private escape in paradise. Still needs a lot of work to match the amenities it speaks of on its website but after the 2 storms it's coming along amazingly!

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