Gallows Point Resort i Cruz Bay

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Cruz Bay, St John 00830, Jomfruøerne
Kontakter telefon: +1 800-323-7229
Latitude: 18.330216, Longitude: -64.798672
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Kommentar 5

  • Lucretia Tellis

    Lucretia Tellis


    I LOVED my stay here! The staff was very accommodating and made you feel at home! The property was immaculate and very cozy. I would love to return!!

  • Margarita Garriga

    Margarita Garriga


    Great spot after Maria!

  • Javier Rodriguez

    Javier Rodriguez


    Excellent place to spend a few days, we got a 2 story place with king bed, full kitchen, well equipped, clean and the staff was very helpful.

  • Tampa Mobile Marine

    Tampa Mobile Marine


    The best place to stay _post-storm. Was just there for a week servicing some boats and this is a great place. We are available to service all diesel engines and generators in the US virgin islands

  • jpetrach



    It's beautiful. The gallows point resort. Or stay began July 31, 2017. Room 3d beautifully decorated very clean and the staff was helpful. And the woman working at gallows gift and gourmet was very helpful in setting up at excursions. And ideas for us to go to as we are on our honeymoon. I would recommend this hotel.

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