Kmart i St Thomas

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

3, 10 St Estate Thoma, 00802, St Thomas, Charlotte Amalie, US
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-774-4046
Latitude: 18.337523, Longitude: -64.916233
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Kommentar 5

  • Bridgette Billingslea

    Bridgette Billingslea


    Local place to shop while on island. Prices are higher vs. stateside stores.

  • sekou n

    sekou n


    I found the most best people at this K-Mart to help me with purchasing a few bottles. Everyone was so helpful and made my purchase very simple, quick and out. I was in and out on there literally within 15 mins. If you are looking for Pure White Hennessy, this would be a great place to start.

  • Arel Farrington

    Arel Farrington


    Good selection of items. Customer service isn't the best in the world but at least you can get quite a number of household and personal care stuff.

  • Montre'll Hawkins

    Montre'll Hawkins


    Great doesn't look to have had to much damage from Hurricane!!

  • Cee Cee

    Cee Cee


    Downstairs has a moldy smell.. they should place all beddings and towels etc. upstairs where the mold scent is not as strong.

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