Local Color i Charlotte Amalie

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Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00801, USVI
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-774-2280
Hjemmeside: www.localcolorvi.com
Latitude: 18.3407521, Longitude: -64.9321235
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Kommentar 2

  • Stephen White

    Stephen White


    I have visited Local Color on both trips to St. Thomas that I have taken. I have only made it to the Havensight mall location, which was extremely neat and clean, and they had lots of unique apparel (the St. Thomas logos and other shirt decorations are much nicer than some of the run-of-the-mill shops in Havensight). They seem to be on the pricier side of souvenir apparel, but the clothes are definitely of much higher quality than other shops. That being said, on my last trip I purchased a t-shirt that, when I got back stateside and washed it for the first time, shrunk quite a bit (I normally wear a large, but purchased a medium because the medium fit in the store). I still had the tag, but my receipt was long gone. So I emailed them, detailing my situation, and they shipped me another shirt in the correct size within a week ---free of charge!!! Thank you Local Color! I will definitely be returning on future trips to St. Thomas! Definitely recommend!

  • Patty Groves

    Patty Groves


    We've been here several times. Now it's my first stop when I get to St. Thomas.

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