Rent A Motion, St. Thomas USVI i St. Thomas

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9717, Estate Thomas, 00802, Southside, St. Thomas, VI Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-774-5840
Latitude: 18.331637, Longitude: -64.919381
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Kommentar 5

  • Neil Shepherd

    Neil Shepherd


    I walked to here from the cruise ship and rented an electric car for the day. Paid with credit card. No problems at all.

  • William Milby

    William Milby


    We rented a scooter there in April 2018. It was a Honda 150 in surprisingly good condition. It had enough power to make it up the steep hills and uses so little gas that they said don't worry about filling it before return! They were pretty friendly, and the island was great to drive around (we went all the way around the island with a lengthy lunch stop in a little under 3 hours). The price was reasonable for the fun. Their helmets could be a little newer, but it is a minor complaint.

  • Wayne S

    Wayne S


    Called and researve a motorcycle and was told all good. Arrived and told that there was only one bike and I would have to return it and finish out the day on a scooter .Not going to call on them again

  • Sal Khan

    Sal Khan


    Couldn't be happier. Fantastic guys to work with and the CRF250 was the perfect way to get around the island. Next time it's the only way I'll travel. Also hoping the ferry system to the other islands is up and running.

  • Brittany Clark

    Brittany Clark


    I called a week before to confirm our rental and pick up of 8am and was told we were good to go. I arrive this morning and no one is there. I call and the guy tells me I am wrong and he’s the only person who ever answers the phone and that they don’t open til 8:30am. Well now it’s 8:40am and no one is there. We left to take a cab. I would definitely not recommend at all.

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