Royal Caribbean i Charlotte Amalie

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5178 Dronningens Gade Suite 4 Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, USVI, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00802, Jungferninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-4110
Latitude: 18.3417115, Longitude: -64.9318695
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Kommentar 5

  • Michelle Ventura

    Michelle Ventura


    I went there looking for a great deal on a simple digital camera. The salesman was very courteous and knowledgeable. He recommended a camera bundle that included case, tripod, cleaning lens material (sorry not sure what it is called), and an SD card. When I compared this online, he offered a better deal and included more items. I am happy. Definitely recommended.

  • Colin Mcelligott

    Colin Mcelligott


    Sold me a Ring the next day two stones feel out. The next day the band bent. I expect me to pay for shipping back.

  • Texas Macks

    Texas Macks


    Bought a panerai here and it was well priced and the son of the owner was great to work with. HIGHLY recommend

  • David Ortiz

    David Ortiz


    Amazing and knowledgeable people working here, absolutely no pressure, staff is very friendly, lots of selection to choose from, definetly a great shopping experience me and my wife had last month. Neal is a true gentleman!! I'm glad I found RC Jewelry, it's a must seen in St. Thomas for any watch or jewelry you need. Thanks Neal for all you do my friend!

  • D Harvey

    D Harvey


    Great people, got to meet the owner and his father. They have some of the most unique jewerly on the island. We actually purchased three pieces from them after visiting several other jewelry stores. And having a free beer or two or three while you shop...priceless!

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