Smit T'S Barber Studio. LLC i St. Thomas

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9160, Estate Thomas, 00802, Northside, St. Thomas, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-344-6360
Latitude: 18.340945, Longitude: -64.9113867
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Kommentar 5

  • Fred Cooke

    Fred Cooke


    Not open during posted hours. Not responsive to calls or text

  • Jeanette John-Baptiste

    Jeanette John-Baptiste


    Good place for a nice haircut. Provides xtra touch. No bunch of people keeping conversation. Dignified environment

  • Terrance Mingo

    Terrance Mingo


    Experience barber

  • George Abreu

    George Abreu


    Excellent service! I been coming here for the last 4 months and I always leave with a perfect cut. Very professional, intelligent, and a good man. I never once had a bad experience and always stay a bit longer just to chat. Smith is the man to go to.

  • Akeel Francis

    Akeel Francis


    Smit T'S Barbershop!! First thing ( Smit the best barber on the island ) Smit T'S Barbershop, Awesome barbershop and it's the place to go on the island to get your hair cut and a line up. Hey you all don't have to believe me, just take a pass at Smit T'S Barbershop all you have to do is open the door, the first thing you are going to say is WOW!! You might even forget you came for a hair cut, that's how amazing Smit T'S Barbershop looks. And the best part about ST'S BS is the waiting time, most of the time you go there, you go straight to the seat, i went there this afternoon and as soon as i open the door he was already at the barber chair waiting for me. Hey you don't have to take my word for it, jus believe you won't be going to any other barber or barbershop after you come out of Smit T'S Barbershop. ( FIVE STAR SMIT ) And when you open the door, don't forget the password's Morning, good afternoon, good evening and and goodnight, depending on the time you get there. ( FIVE STAR SMIT ALL THE WAY!! ) And this is only the beginning! One more thing he has a special technique he does to your face after he line's it up, and trust me if you was having a bad day that special technique after Smit is finish lining you up, you are going to say ( What was i even upset about ) FIVE STAR SMIT!!!

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