S.O.S. Antiques i Charlotte Amalie

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5132 Dronningens Gade-Ste 1, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00802, USVI
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-774-2074
Latitude: 18.3406166, Longitude: -64.9329805
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Kommentar 5

  • Neil Gosselin

    Neil Gosselin


    Had a great experience with SOS Antiques... purchase 2 great Cob coin pieces... one for my son and a second neckless piece for myself that I love to wear often... I wasn’t offended with anything in the store cause it’s considered history...I plan on purchasing more soon. This is a great unique one of a kind store to visit in St. Thomas.. Thank you!

  • Christopher Stewart

    Christopher Stewart


    Don't buy anything from these people. Nothing antique about what they are selling. A majority of their items are replicas, the sales people will try to swindle you and when you catch them they will play the 'oh this was an honest mistake' card.

  • Carol Mehl

    Carol Mehl


    We recently stopped by the store on our trip to St. Thomas. The staff was extremely helpful and knowledgeable. We purchased several coins that spoke to us. We will treasure these coins of a reminder of our trip and a time in history. Will come back again!

  • Lionelle Sanders

    Lionelle Sanders


    This is MOST interesting store I've found on our cruise through Virgin Islands. So full of history, even if you aren't planning on buying it just stop by and look around, like other reviewer said - it's like a museum! Ancient coins, shipwreck finds, everything has authentication licences. It's just amazing!!!

  • Bobby Barajas

    Bobby Barajas


    You may as well call this store a museum of which you can purchase timeless pieces of history! Swords from the 1600 & 1700s, pieces of 8 coins from all over the world and so much more! Definitely a must see!

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