St. John Inn i Cruz Bay

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Cruz Bay, St John 00830, USVI
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-693-8688
Latitude: 18.328614, Longitude: -64.792247
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Kommentar 5

  • Debby Beloy

    Debby Beloy


    Spent 7 nights at the St. John Inn at the end of May - love this place!! Dave is the best host - makes you feel just like family. And met the nicest people staying here - looked forward to sharing stories and adventures with them every day at the happy hour. Pool, coffee and light breakfast, caribbean atmosphere, clean, colorful rooms - doesn't get better than this!

  • Sandra Phillips

    Sandra Phillips


    Really cute, kind of quirky, close to town and everyone there is super great!! Loved it!

  • A Google User


    Closest point little place rooms are beautiful and colourful in the people are there so nice free breakfast in the morning very nice St John Inn

  • David Sewell

    David Sewell


    Very professionally run. Great family atmosphere. You aren't anything but family there. I highly recommend this home as a good place to stay.

  • Greg Mertz

    Greg Mertz


    Always great staff. We love the colors. Rooms are balmy, comfortable.

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