St John Vacation Rental Serendip Vacation Condos i St John

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PO Box 273, Cruz Bay, St John, VI 00831
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-6646
Latitude: 18.326784, Longitude: -64.788135
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Kommentar 2

  • Natasha Benjamin

    Natasha Benjamin


  • Katie Rockefeller

    Katie Rockefeller


    My mom, sister, and I stayed here for our time in St. John. It was our first visit here. Staying in Serendip allowed us to be within walking distance from Cruz Bay, while still giving us the a gorgeous hill top view of the island. We had a huge porch that was awesome for morning yoga and family dinners. Brenda and Todd were the amazing host. They were knowledgeable, helpful, kind, and truly made us feel like locals. We can not say enough great things about this place! I HIGHLY recommend Serendip for couples, friends, families, and even larger groups since there are multiple units that share a pool and grilling area.

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