Sugarcane Grille i Charlotte Amalie

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Bunker Hill Hotel, 2307 Commandant Gade, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00802, U.S. Virgin Islands, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00801, Jungferninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-8056
Latitude: 18.3431513, Longitude: -64.930989
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Kommentar 5

  • Tracy Carrington

    Tracy Carrington


    The most amazing restaurant in St. Thomas. The owner is/was beautiful and kind. The next time we visit S.T. we will definitely be there again.

  • Leyla VI

    Leyla VI


    Great food and staff. almost feels like a get away.

  • Bevin Dorsett

    Bevin Dorsett


    The area is not in the nicest part of town,however is one of the best food I have had. Great rumpunch

  • jennifer flores

    jennifer flores


    Simply amazing food. Can't wait to go back

  • Lynette Williams

    Lynette Williams


    Have eaten here several times, and it is always an incredible experience. It's a favorite spot for many who work in town. The corn soup, when available, is creamy and sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs. The jerk chicken skewers are moist and seasoned with a house made jerk seasoning with the signature allspice taste. Not too hot and spicy, either. The open air dining area is very cheery, and you enjoy a view of the harbor. This is true Caribbean dining in Charlotte Amalie.

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