The Green Iguana Hotel i Charlotte Amalie

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1002 Blackbeards Hill Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas VI, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00802, Jomfruøerne
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-7654
Latitude: 18.3442463, Longitude: -64.9298814
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Kommentar 5

  • William Taylor

    William Taylor


    Great place near old town. Very comfortable beds. Wi-Fi. Super helpful and friendly staff. Just reopened after Irma. Good shape.

  • Kent Young

    Kent Young


    My wife and I stayed at the Green Iguana Hotel in January 2011. It was a quiet place to stay within walking distance of restaurants and shopping.

  • Scott Hamilton

    Scott Hamilton


    Green Iguana is clean, friendly, has a grand view and great location. John and Gwen, the resident managers, are pleasant and helpful. Plus there are tortoises and iguanas roaming the upper garden tier on the grounds. I would wholeheartedly recommend a stay here.

  • Ashley Epperson

    Ashley Epperson


    Thank you to John and Gwen! We had an amazing week in St Thomas. The concierge was first class compared to everyone else. Anything we needed, they had on hand (i.e. coolers, beach chairs, sunscreen, free cycle stuff for airplane riders). Offered great advise to any local place you would want to see or eat at (especially happy hour ;) ) . We look forward to visiting in the future. Thank you!!!!

  • Hubert Alacoque

    Hubert Alacoque


    Awesome PLACE! Awesome hospitality. Thanks to John and Gwen, his lovely wife for the great hospitality and insight on things locally. We will return.... Hubert and Sandra

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