The Westin St. John Resort Villas i St. John

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300B Chocolate Hole, St. John, VI 00830
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-693-8000
Latitude: 18.3230258, Longitude: -64.7864096
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Kommentar 5

  • Chris and Angie Sharp

    Chris and Angie Sharp


    We were fortunate to visit last April before the hurricane hit. The resort is wonderful, especially the separate villas across the road from the main resort area. I hope they rebuild quickly. A great amenity is to order groceries through the resort before you arrive. There is nothing better than to have food waiting for you when you get in after travelling.

  • Anika Tarasiewicz

    Anika Tarasiewicz


    The Westin has beautiful grounds. They are in the process of upgrading the rooms, most of which are completed and very nice (mine was in the upper part of the main grounds and not as new but very updated still). It is very close to the other beaches such as Trunk Bay and Maho Bay which I have both been to. 3 restaurants. Lemongrass, snorkels and Knox and Ollie's. It will eventually all be ownership but totally worth a stay in beautiful St. John

  • Chris Fernandes

    Chris Fernandes


    Beautiful and relaxing. Prices are through the roof (food, groceries, massage, etc). A system of golf cards bring you around the resort. Sometimes you bend to wait for 30 min for one yo come by. Staff are friendly and polite. Rooms are clean and enjoyable. Pool is amazing.

  • AV Torres

    AV Torres


    Expensive but easily one of the best hotels in the Caribbean. I live on St Thomas but we go to the Westin from time to time with other family for the buffet breakfast which is totally worth it. Also, a good portion of my family works there. I know for a fact they don't play games because I can't even get away with anything. I have quite a long history with the Westin Resort (even through the previous owners). It has always been top notch all the way around.

  • Lamar Jackson

    Lamar Jackson


    The Westin delivers! The staff is wonderful. There's not a bad view, partly due to being on a beautiful island, around the site. Great rooms with everything you need in the multi bedroom suites. Fitness room, kids and adult activities, entertainment, water fun, ship adventures, and the food is top notch. Both times I've stayed here have been remarkable. If only I could give more stars.

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