Virgin Islands Campground i Saint Thomas

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🕗 Åbningstider

64 Water Island, 00802, Saint Thomas, Water Island, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-5488
Latitude: 18.318219, Longitude: -64.952942
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Kommentar 5

  • Kathryn Long

    Kathryn Long


    I had such a wonderful time at the campgrounds. The huts were so cute and perfect for a true beach feel. I met so many wonderful people on the island and will definitely be back. If you are looking for a chill community this is the place for you.

  • Barbara Oskwarek

    Barbara Oskwarek


    I was nervous to travel and camp alone but this was the best decision I made. The place is amazing , so peaceful , clean and the most friendly host ever. There's a beautiful beach places to take walks, awesome food and it's just 7 mins ride to st thomas . If you really want to have a pleasant grilled dinner with the Caribbean view, a quiet place to stay , affordable and a quick ride to st thomas this is the perfect place . I love love LOVE IT and I'll miss my new friend!

  • Chris Wilson

    Chris Wilson


    A different way to vacation. Great for people who want to try something besides the usual hotel/resort trips. The screened in cabins give the feel of camping but without the hassle of tents. They have a cooking area, a hot tub, and even an indoor common room with a TV.

  • Soma Ve

    Soma Ve


    our host Randy and his wife are soo kind and friendly. Everything is good.

  • Tammy McKinney

    Tammy McKinney


    Most tranquil place I have ever been. Loved the locals. And our host Steve and his wife made our stay fantastic. Plan on visiting again soon.

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