Caribbean Battery i St. Thomas

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

8525 Lindberg Bay, suite 13, St. Thomas, VI 00802, Wyspy Dziewicze
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-690-0306
Latitude: 18.341839, Longitude: -64.962947
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Kommentar 4

  • Kyle McNamara

    Kyle McNamara


  • A Johnson

    A Johnson


    Heard they were great, but due to hurricanes there phone was out of commission, understandable. But the 3 times I went, during business hours M-F, nobody was around....

  • William Coffman

    William Coffman


    We bring our car here for everything. Prompt service and quality work! Maceo and his staff are amazing

  • G-memo Vlogs

    G-memo Vlogs


    so bad, I brought my car there to check, and the spend a whole week with it, and when I went there they didn't even touch the car, the excuse was that they have a lot of cars and try to show me, but when I dropped my car I did not see any of the other ones, so I take my car and brought it home!

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