Gold Mine i St. Thomas

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5176 Dronningens Gade Suite 4, St. Thomas, VI 00802, Wyspy Dziewicze
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-9199
Latitude: 18.3418545, Longitude: -64.9322569
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Kommentar 5

  • Strong Kid

    Strong Kid


    I was not intending to buy here when we were walking down the street but they got me to come in and look. I'm glad we did! My ring is gorgeous and we got a great price!

  • Brittney Batista

    Brittney Batista


    Bought wedding rings here in 2014 very friendly and helpful until we got home. My husbands ring was suppose to be engraved with our wedding date and sent to us... it was sent weeks later with no engraving. We tried to call to see if we could send it back for what we paid for and No help was given, my husband finally gave up trying. My wedding band lost a diamond before our wedding when my husband took it out to look at it and ran his finger over it. My wedding band lost 2 more diamonds after that. Finally, my wedding band lost an additional (count is 5 and I had been taking it off immediately when I got home and did not workout with it) 2 diamonds in August and I sent it out to their sister company in NY for the repair. This was on 8/26 I waited 2 weeks and still nothing and no correspondence so I emailed twice and no response. I had to call the NY store 3 times to figure out what was going on with my ring because they never called back! I received it back on 10/23 and it looks like the white gold has a fracture. Also, one of the diamonds looks smaller, and as if it was forced down into the space (it’s shorter than the other diamonds). I’m extremely disappointed with the quality of the ring and repair so I will be selling it and getting a new wedding band.

  • Helen Weisel

    Helen Weisel


    I bought 4 bracelets from Gold Mine and it is now my ONLY jeweler. From the welcoming atmosphere and the large displays of gold jewelry to the excellent prices AND service, Gold Mine is the best!! A+

  • C M

    C M


    Good Prices, quality pieces and excellent service. Highly recommended!

  • Hugh Van Roosen

    Hugh Van Roosen


    Shawn (owner) is welcoming. No pressure. We purchased a small diamond memento and got a great idea for an anniversary gift.

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