Bellavista Bed & Breakfast i Charlotte Amalie

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Murphy Gade, 00802, Charlotte Amalie, Charlotte Amalie, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-714-5706
Latitude: 18.3439622, Longitude: -64.9325547
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Kommentar 5

  • Amie McLaughlin

    Amie McLaughlin


    This place is absolutely incredible! The breakfast is OUT OF THIS WORLD! And Wendy is so attentive and helpful. We stayed for only two nights and we wished we could've stayed longer. What a great gem!

  • Dan Mickelson

    Dan Mickelson


    My wife and I honeymooned here several years ago and absolutely loved it, one of the best experiences of my life. Been thinking about Doug and Wendy with Hurricane Irma going through. Hope everyone is OK and they did not suffer too much damage. Reports look horrifying. Stay safe.

  • Andrew Woodman

    Andrew Woodman


    Can't say enough good things about Bellavista. Wendy goes above and beyond to make it a memorable experience. You will not be disappointed!

  • Cameron Hopkins

    Cameron Hopkins


    If you're going to be staying on Saint Thomas I'm assuming you want to have a great time while you're there. Well look. No. Further. Bellavista Bed and Breakfast is the best place to stay on Saint Thomas and let me tell you why. Location: The bed and breakfast is halfway up a sizable hill, so you get a clear view of the cruise ship harbor, the ocean, and all of Charlotte Amelie, the second biggest town on the island. It's far enough away from downtown that you can't really hear it, but close enough that a quick 5 minute walk will get you where you want to go. Facilities: An amazing house with surprisingly strong security; if she didn't point it out to you, you wouldn't notice it at all. The house is very open during the day and locked up tight at night time. The house itself is gorgeous with a lovely open living room and a balcony off the kitchen where Wendy, the owner, serves her amazing breakfasts (more on that later). There is a private deck side pool for when you want to skip coki beach and just be somewhere quiet. The rooms are just what you need, and she keeps them immaculate. Breakfast: Prepared to be blown away. My wife and I are pretty used to hotel continental breakfasts: contrasted with Wendy's food the hotels are serving you rubbish. Wendy prepares beautiful meals with fresh fruit, everything made from scratch, and frequently with self made smoothies. Breakfast isn't something you'd ever expect to be this good; for us it was the best part of everyday, and we had some really good days. Wendy: Yeah she's an amenity all by herself. She's incredibly friendly, very funny, and gives you the most personal service you've ever had. She knows practically everything about the island and what to do, she knows exactly who and when to call for cabs, and on top of this runs the whole B&B almost single handedly. She's one of the nicest people you will ever meet. All in all you're going to be getting an experience better than some of the activities on the island you'll be booking. Wouldn't you rather have an amazing experience you can rely on everyday than just the regular old hotel trip? I would, and I am so glad I stayed here.

  • Living Will

    Living Will


    This is a great B and B Wendy has such a attention to detail and care for the customers that she will go out of her way to make your stay magical. The breakfast in the morning is not regular she puts thought into all that she does you can even taste it! So glad to have been able to spend our honeymoon here Wendy and Doug really took it to the next level.

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