Villa Santana Hotel i St. Thomas

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2602 Bjerge Gade, No. 2D, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, VI 00802
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-1311
Latitude: 18.343257, Longitude: -64.933603
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Kommentar 5

  • Kenya Sil

    Kenya Sil


  • Mike Williams

    Mike Williams


    This is a mystical place. St Thomas is undergoing a renaissance and this is ground zero! Come visit the island and stay a few days at the Villa.

  • Nirva Antoine

    Nirva Antoine


  • JM Russell

    JM Russell


    love the history of this hidden gem property. easy access to everything

  • Jeanne Kowal

    Jeanne Kowal


    Beautiful architecture right on back street 2 blocks back from the harbor. Not the best neighborhood but worth it for the loveliness of the property. The owners have a diamond! Nice courtyard and metal work along with brick and stucco. There's also and art gallery on the property. Only complaint is that the sheets could have been cleaner and noise travels easily between rooms. Also the artist studio is more like a porno shop than art!

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