Midtown Guest House i Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas

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Commandant Gade, 00804, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Charlotte Amalie, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-9157
Hjemmeside: www.midtownguesthouse.com
Latitude: 18.3424207, Longitude: -64.9312266
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Kommentar 5

  • corey krosley

    corey krosley


    Good location close to town and the historic self guided walking tour. Friendly helpful staff and a clean place but had no hot running water. The cold water was cold but the hot water was merely not cold water, i wouldn't even say luke warm. The room was quite small, tiny actually. Booked the place as it stated WiFi in all areas but the WiFi was unreliable and intermittent. TV is internet-based and since the internet was sporadic the movies and full length programs constantly had to reload and were slow to buffer. Made it impossible to watch actual movies but was not a problem watching cartoons. There was exposed wiring and exposed plumbing. Ceiling fan and it's light worked but the table lamp and it's power outlet did not work.

  • diana roberts

    diana roberts


    Low price hotel no frills great staff close to sea front

  • Bert Gates

    Bert Gates


    Very friendly staff. Very helpful people here. Not a bad place at all

  • Concern American

    Concern American


    This place of deceitful management. Filthy! Compound! Filthy! Filthy! Don't waste your American dollars, or any currency on this nasty Filthy place of hell. You have zombies walking down street asking you for money! The management has no education! Just conartist! That island is nasty, and those people are trashy don't help them let them parish, not to mention you have hookers from Puerto Rico trying to make a quick buck on there knees!!

  • Bradford Crompton

    Bradford Crompton


    It was a last minute trip and the first place I found at a reasonable price. For the money it was fine. The room was clean and I felt very safe. The staff was very friendly and helpful. Walking distance to Greenhouse Restaurant which has excellent food and drinks t fairly reasonable prices. Keep in mind folks this is an island so everything is more expensive since almost everything is imported in.

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