Hotel 1829 i Charlotte Amalie

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29-30, Kongens Gade, 00801, Charlotte Amalie, Charlotte Amalie, VI Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-1234
Latitude: 18.3423538, Longitude: -64.930476
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Kommentar 3

  • Michael Nortey

    Michael Nortey



  • Don Hill

    Don Hill


    Been going to St Thomas for over 20 years. Glad to hear Hotel 1829 is open again, we were very disappointed when it was closed. They used to have a great staff and particularly the chef. We got to the island on a late flight one trip and immediately went to the pool to relax. The chef was closing up and he recognized us from previous visits. We joked around with him about missing dinner and he wound up bringing us 4 delicious 'Creme Brûlées' at poolside around 11 pm! I dare you to find better service than that anywhere in the USVI. Especially from a place with reasonable rates and unique wonderful rooms, Not having stayed there since it reopened (hooray!) I don't know the situation now. All I can say is if they run the place like they used to, with the same great attitude,food and accommodations, I'm looking forward to a stay there soon! Stayed many times.....we love it. Best ambiance on the island

  • Dustin Hatchett

    Dustin Hatchett


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