Galleon House i St. Thomas

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31 Kongen Gade, St. Thomas, St Thomas 00804, USVI
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-774-6952
Latitude: 18.3426355, Longitude: -64.9305574
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Kommentar 5

  • Tappan M

    Tappan M


    This BNB is quite pleasant. Breakfast from 8-9:30am, pool, ice water always available, and friendly staff. The beds and rooms are fine, some better than others. It's on a hillside of urban greenery, so an interesting and odd landscape to me. We saw a large iguana by the pool, maybe 3 feet long. Prices of drinks are reasonable. And it seems to have survived the hurricanes well.

  • John and Elaine Guillot

    John and Elaine Guillot


    We spent 8 days at the Galleon House and here is why we recommend it. The staff was great, Chris, Harry, Gail, etc. You helped us have a wonderful time. The showers and A/C worked well. Breakfast choices were filling and delicious. We left everyday to seek our adventures on St. Thomas and one day visited another Island (6 beaches in all). We came back to the hotel and we would refresh with a rum punch and a dip in the pool.




    Do not recommend this place. I did have a reservation but do to bad weather our vessel was not able to make it on time, we try to call for 4 days this place to inform them to hold our reservation and they never answer the phone, we end up making new reservation with serious hotel that have a phone numbers updated. We request a refund do to there lack of correct information and no other way to contact them and the Galleon House deny it, so there goes our moeny to a place that do not deserve it.

  • Brian



    Clean and friendly. Keep in mind this is q guest house and not a hotel. Room was clean, and check in was friendly and easy. The pool looked great with a neat view. It's just a 5 minute walk to downtown so the location is great if that's where you want to be. However, despite it being close to downtown it's pretty quiet..

  • Claire Johnson

    Claire Johnson


    Stayed here for 4 nights and overall it was a great expierence. The views beautiful and morning coffee/breakfast were very enjoyable. The staff was so nice and helpful giving us recommendations about places to see on the island! the only downsides are that there aren't many places walking distance at night, and if you can't handle stairs then you shouldn't stay here. I would go back!

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