Ideal Restaurant i Charlotte Amalie

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2329, Commandant Gade, 00802, Charlotte Amalie, Charlotte Amalie, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-777-5321
Latitude: 18.3425221, Longitude: -64.9310301
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Kommentar 5

  • sekou n

    sekou n


    Best, quickest roti. Love to the wonderful lil lady in da back whippin up dat soulful curry for da Roti. I got shrimp and chicken Roti.

  • Vic Mancilla

    Vic Mancilla


    i enjoy it a loy

  • kae edwards

    kae edwards


    Best place for roti!

  • Roquan David

    Roquan David


    I think that may have been the best Roti I ever had, even before I was halfway finish I already knew that I wanted another one

  • Megan Grant

    Megan Grant


    Delicious authentic Trini roti. The price is great especially since the roti is so big it could easily be 2 meals. This will definitely become my regular roti place.

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