Magens Bay Park i St. Thomas

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Magen's Bay Road, 00802, Northside, St. Thomas, VI Wyspy Dziewicze
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-777-6300
Latitude: 18.364726, Longitude: -64.9220645
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Kommentar 5

  • heather harding

    heather harding


    Beach was beautiful. No ship in port so there weren't many people there!! Food was good and plenty of rentals. Cute store to buy nice souvenirs.

  • Erica Mallat

    Erica Mallat


    I'm sure at one time this place was beautiful. Maybe even on a normal day, but during our forced visit from our shore excursion this place was nothing but hell. There wasn't enough shade for all of the people on the beach. The toilets were literally overflowing, and any food, drink or other refreshments were insanely overpriced. We could not locate any water fountains. I've never been asked to pay for ice before visiting this place. The beach itself was lovely, but again no shade, and way too crowded to enjoy the natural beauty. It was far prettier viewed from the vistas above. I'd like to visit again - with a fresh start. Preferably without the crowds of so many cruise ships.

  • Matt McCleary

    Matt McCleary


    Beautiful Beach with good amenities. Soft sand and replanted palm trees. Calm when the cruise ships are not in town.

  • Nicole Hengel

    Nicole Hengel


    Magens is known for being on the top for most beautiful, there is no doubt that it is. They have a waitress that patrols the beach bringing you delicious iced cold drinks. Huge downfall is they no longer rent out umbrellas as the lifeguards were upset they had to chase after them. To make matters worse the huge palm trees that provided shade were knocked down in the storm. They do have pavilions you can find shade in, but they are a decent distance from the beach. It's hard to bring kids to this beach.

  • Michael Harper

    Michael Harper


    Magen's bay is just amazing! Aside from having to pay the small entry fee. The beach is usually very calm and the water warm and inviting! I actually got married on this beach standing in the water. Such a great place for a wedding!

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