Magen's Bay Trailhead i St. Thomas

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6200, Magen's Bay Road, 00802, Northside, St. Thomas, VI Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos
Kontakter telefon: +1-340
Latitude: 18.3556542, Longitude: -64.9202017
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Kommentar 5

  • Nemo In TN

    Nemo In TN


    We weren't there to hike!! The park has a gorgeous mile long beach, food & drinks available, chair & watersports rentals, adventurous taxi rides to & onshore location of our cruise vacation!

  • iris Kuhn

    iris Kuhn


    All I can say is I wish I could live there.

  • Ann Marie

    Ann Marie


    Megan's Bay has to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. there are pelican's right on the beach scooping up fish. And the water is so clear you can see fish swim by you. Great place to spend the day with family and friends. They have a covered patio with tables and a bar nearby. There is also a bath house. However, at the time that we visited, there was no running water.

  • Kennie George

    Kennie George


    Love it would go back anytime

  • Virginia Altmiller

    Virginia Altmiller


    A beautiful area. We loved this place on our trip to St. Thomas. The whole area is just gorgeous. There is nothing negative to say at all. Also Magen's Beach is absolutely gorgeous.

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