De amerikanske jomfruøers nationalpark i St. John

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St John, Jomfruøerne
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-6201
Latitude: 18.3424047, Longitude: -64.7485759
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Kommentar 5

  • Pia Brunbjerg

    Pia Brunbjerg


    Sct Croix bør opleves. Fantastisk :-)

  • Robert Meyers

    Robert Meyers


    National Park covers most of St. John, so it is difficult to give a concise review. However, there is a lot to see here and the park covers everything from hiking trails and ruins, to beaches and coral. The park is simply stunning and the natural beauty of the island is apparent almost anywhere you go.

  • Patrick Prentice

    Patrick Prentice


    What an incredible place! The pictures do not do it justice! If you find yourself in the area (on Saint Thomas) then catch a water taxi over to Saint John and head to Trunk Bay! You will not regret it!! I have been to beaches in Thailand, Belize and Australia and this beach is up there with the best of them! Bring some snorkel gear if you go and stick to the rocks, you’ll see a ton of fish! 😊👍

  • eva susanne s. pihl

    eva susanne s. pihl


    Skønt. Med mange danske minder

  • Christian Holberg

    Christian Holberg



Nærmeste Parkere:

L'Esperance Trail

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Cinnamon Bay Resort & Campground

US National Park, St John
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📑 Alle kategorier i Jomfruøerne, USA

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