Windward Passage Hotel i Charlotte Amalie

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Veterans Drive Charlotte Amali, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00804, USVI
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-774-5200
Latitude: 18.3399169, Longitude: -64.9372397
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Kommentar 5

  • Camil Fleur-de-lis

    Camil Fleur-de-lis


    Hotel under renovations. They are doing the best they can with what they have available. The lady at the front desk was nice and disclosed everything that I needed to know. FYI: Check in is at 4pm.

  • D Bauder

    D Bauder


    People are great and the place is coming along nicely

  • cassie fields

    cassie fields


    I have stayed here for about a week, and the service is amazing!! They go out of their way to be as hospitable as possible. They are rebuilding, but they made my husband and I feel as comfortable as ever. This is my first time to the islands, and have enjoyed every moment of it. Will definitely stay here each time I come back for work!

  • Rockwell Jackson

    Rockwell Jackson


    Service was very good, all went well considering my stay is post hurricane "Maria".

  • Jnique Bryan

    Jnique Bryan


    This is literally the worst hotel that I have stayed at. This hotel willingly placed me in a hotel that they knew was molded with out any regards to my health. This hotel also willingly charged my card for payments that they knew were false. I contacted the hotel directly in reference to the issue where i spoke with someone who advised that they would place my money back to my card. Ever since that day no one has made contact back with me, and every time I call this location my calls get ignored. There is a very disrespectful girl named Tanisha Estevez that is very disrespectful that claims to be a representative of this brand. She's doing a very poor job. This hotel willingly took money off of my card, and is refusing to pay it back.

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