Grand Jewelers i St. Thomas

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5178 Suite 2, Dronningens Gade, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00802, Wyspy Dziewicze
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-8200
Latitude: 18.3418924, Longitude: -64.9320367
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Kommentar 5

  • Angela Rich

    Angela Rich


    Like family, I just have to see them. Extremely kind, attentive, accommodating and fun to be around. Love them.

  • Dawn Stewart

    Dawn Stewart


    The owner and staff were friendly and accommodating. Drinks all around because who doesn’t want to spend more when tipsy? ;) Prices are fair and reasonable.

  • Marilyn Goodman

    Marilyn Goodman


    I just visited Grand Jewelers for the third time and could not be happier with each of my experiences. Each item I have purchased there is beautiful and unique. Raj, Jay, Nevin and all the staff always make us feel like family while we shop. They are able to make adjustments like sizing rings and changing the style of earring backs while you wait. This is especially helpful if you are visiting on a cruise ship. I would not hesitate to recommend Grand Jewelers. They sell quality jewelry that is beautiful and a good value.

  • Elaine Lieberman

    Elaine Lieberman


    Shopping at Grand Jewelers is an experience you will not find at another store on any island. Their quality, their styles, their prices are fantastic but their customer service is unbeatable. Everyone at Grand makes sure you find exactly what you are looking for. They give their customers their full attention, their expertise & the best deal. You will not be able to match what Grand Jewelers can do any where you go. With your first purchase you quickly know you have made the right choice in jewelry & shopping at Grand Jewelers. Like many others once you shop there you continue to shop there & no where else. When Grand is your choice you will not be disappointed, I know our family has not been & we've been shopping there for many years.

  • N Smith

    N Smith


    Have been visiting the island for over twenty years. Sanjay always takes great care of us. I have never been disappointed, even when a diamond broke out of my tennis bracelet. They fixed it no questions asked three years after I bought it. Great people and I feel like they remember me when I walk in each time. Go if you want quality service and a few other comforts while waiting making decisions. It is a happy place!

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