MBW Cafe & Bakery i Charlotte Amalie

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Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00801, USVI
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-715-2767
Hjemmeside: www.mbwcafeandbakery.com
Latitude: 18.3422969, Longitude: -64.931695
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Kommentar 5

  • Carlos Ramirez

    Carlos Ramirez


    Wonderful bakery altruistic intentions. MBW = My Brother's Workshop

  • Love Betty

    Love Betty


    We ordered their meatball sub, breakfast sandwich, vanilla latte, triple shot & with Carmel. Their bread and baked goods were fresh and moist. The meatball sub was the best! Expresso was made perfect.

  • Gotham Cosmopolite

    Gotham Cosmopolite


    Great little coffee and bakery next to the main shopping street.

  • Sue Pak

    Sue Pak


    I ordered the spinach wrap, an iced mocha, and a strawberry smoothie. The wrap and the smoothie were pleasant, but the mocha was underwhelming. The color was white with cream and I could not taste any coffee or sweetness. But the service was friendly and they have a good cause.

  • Opti World Online

    Opti World Online


    I ordered a wheat,scrambled egg and ham sandwich and their local coffee. Food is great, the service is superb and their mission is awesome! This will be my go-to spot in St. Thomas from now on!!

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